Supporting Others

Offering Support

For anyone going through a rough time, struggling with day-to-day pressures or suffering from poor mental health, anxiety or depression, a support system is essential.

As a work colleague, friend or family member, you may be the first to observe changes in another’s mood or behaviours. You are then in a position to become a strong encouraging motivator for them as they seek assistance or support.

Your ongoing support is critical to any friend or family member’s recovery as it displays you care and that they are not alone. You may provide them a source of strength and also guide them as they confront and deal with issues and can assist in their recovery.

Start a conversation using these 4 steps

How to talk about suicide

People experiencing a mental health issue can sometimes think about suicide. Often if someone is considering suicide they don’t necessarily want to die, they just want to stop having painful thoughts and feelings.

Many of us can be reluctant to open a conversation with someone who we are concerned about for fear of making the situation worse or not knowing what to say.

While these conversations can be difficult, approaching a person can help to break down the stigma and let them know that they are supported.

When asking someone about suicide you can make a big difference by staying calm, letting them know you are there to help, and by acting quickly.

Signs of struggle

Some people will show warning signs before acting on suicidal thoughts. Some things to look out for are:

  • mentioning death, dying or suicide
  • talking about not seeing a reason for living, feeling helpless, or that things feel pointless
  • being more moody or sad than usual
  • withdrawing from others
  • putting their affairs in order (i.e. packing away their desk, finishing paperwork, finalising a will)
  • risky behaviours (excessive drinking, reckless driving)
  • a sudden shift to being very positive after a long period of seeming down

It can be frightening and distressing when someone you care about wants to harm themselves. It’s important to remember that you don’t need to be a doctor or psychologist to check-in with someone you are worried about. If a person you know seems to be struggling, reaching out and connecting with them could save their life

For tips on what to say and what not to say, Click here

At Work

Having the Conversation – How to Support Co-workers or Employees