Support for me

Wellness Indicators

The mental health continuum identifies a spectrum of health concerns, whether mental or physical, that may impact on person throughout their life.

The model goes from healthy adaptive coping (green), through mild and reversible distress or functional impairment (yellow), to more severe persistent injury or impairment (orange), to significant impairment (red).

  • Being well or unwell is NOT black and white.
  • The aim is for a person to be flourishing, healthy and performing at their best and NOT just having an absence of illness.
  • Mental health is not fixed. A person can move back and forth along their own personal continuum over time, in response to different stressors and experiences.
  • Personal knowledge and skills in promoting own wellbeing (self-care) will also influence their mental health at any point in time.
  • Experience says that symptoms can be observed commonly during normal life challenges. If identified and addressed early, symptoms are more likely to be temporary and are easier for a person to return to their normal health functioning.
Action to take at each phase of continuum

Know yourself

It is normal to move up and down the mental health continuum with life events. However, if you identify regularly with the orange and red areas, your mental health is potentially at risk and seeking assistance should be part of your wellbeing plan.

Know your triggers

What are the things in life that trigger you to move along the continuum? Understanding how you react to different situations allows you to be mindful of strategies you can use to manage situations that would usually have a negative impact on your mental health.

Know your plan

Develop a plan to help you maintain your psychological wellbeing. Be aware of the coping mechanisms that work for you and build a plan for how you will ensure that you practice